Dozens Of NJ Residents Find Anti-Trump/GOP Propaganda, Ball Bearing In Bags Outside Homes

UPDATE: A political manifesto of sorts that was left along with a ball bearings in zip-locked bags outside the homes of dozens of Bergen County residents includes a portrait of former President Trump with blood on his hands and dripping from the roof of the White House.

Bag containing propaganda and ball bearing left in a Closter resident's driveway.

Bag containing propaganda and ball bearing left in a Closter resident's driveway.

Sixteen bags were dropped in Closter and several more in Demarest, all off Knickerbocker Road near the high school and the Haworth border, police said.

Sixteen bags were dropped in Closter and several more in Demarest, all off Knickerbocker Road near the high school and the Haworth border, police said.

Photo Credit:, Googlemaps,
Top half of document.

Top half of document.

Bottom half of document.

Bottom half of document.


The writer who left the bags in residents' driveways and walkways in Closter and Demarest early Wednesday claims to be a former Republican who claims that apparently patriotic neighbors had hidden “deplorable tendencies” that have emerged in the downfall of the former president.

Motivated by Trump – whom he calls a variety of names -- those residents have “evaporated” societal pressures while trying to take the country back to "Civil War America," the writer claims (see the letter below).

The plastic bags -- each containing a ball bearing and political propaganda -- were left around 6 a.m. Wednesday outside homes near Northern Valley Regional High School, said police who'd narrowed down a list of possible suspects by early Wednesday evening.

Sixteen bags were dropped in Closter and several more in Demarest, all within a radius of a few blocks off Knickerbocker Road near the high school and the Haworth border, Closter Detective Lt. Vincent Aiello said.

Whoever left them was walking, not driving, Aiello said.

Police consider the document, which bears the writer's gmail address at the bottom, “non-threatening,” the lieutenant said.

It nonetheless left residents concerned, he said.

The writer focuses in large part on the early January riot at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., claiming that “fully 45%” of the “REPUBLICAN MOB SPPORTED THE INSURRECTION AFTER THEY SAW IT ALL DAY ON TV.”

Referring to Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was killed during the riot, he writes: “SAY HIS NAME REPUBLICANS, THERE’S BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS, YOU DEPLORABLE SEDITIONISTS”.

“Unfortunately for Republicans, this revolution WAS televised,” the statement says. “What about our neighbors who voted Republican? It is to the point where now we arguably have accessories to mass murder living next door to us…without masks. You know you can’t reason with them.

“[T]hey look like us but there’s something not quite right about them, and I believe they can’t be made normal.

“Unity? With Seditionists? I would suggest we shun them, and heap scorn and derision on them at every opportunity, for as long as they show their faces in public.

“Never forgive them, never forget the bloody corpses they left in the wake of their stupid votes.”

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